Ever & Ivy
Charming Media was tasked with launching the brand new Canadian jewelry brand Ever & Ivy to the media.
Leveraging our media relationships and our robust network of influencers, we executed an earned and paid media strategy to introduce Ever & Ivy to the press. Through the six-month launch period, we secured features in publications like Fashion Magazine & The Kit, along with an Ontario broadcast tour which saw Ever & Ivy featured on morning and noon shows like CP24 Breakfast and CHCH Morning Live. We facilitated an interactive virtual launch event that included guests from top-tier publications like Chatelaine, Fashion Magazine & Best Health. Each guest was gifted a swag bag and a piece from Ever & Ivy’s Valentine’s collection.
Charming Media successfully executed a paid influencer campaign that resulted in quality static posts, stories, reels, video content, and blog inclusions, ultimately boosting brand awareness and credibility and building relationships well beyond the initial contract period.
Additionally, Ever & Ivy wanted to showcase their debut collection in a US fashion show, which we successfully facilitated at a women’s event held at the W Hotel Hollywood.
Client testimonial: “You have done a fantastic job of getting a total unknown brand out into the Canadian marketplace. I know it can’t be easy to start from square one. There has been some great exposure and opportunities. And I appreciate all that you have done for me and for Ever & Ivy.” – Joan Cohen, Founder