Turkish Airlines Canada Agency of Record

The year 2016 was a challenging one for both Turkish Airlines and Turkey as a country. As the Public Relations Agency of Record for Turkish Airlines in Canada, Charming Media was tasked with executing strategies that would work to alter tarnished public perception, generate positive media coverage and promote Turkey as a desirable travel destination.

Charming Media successfully designed and executed 2 important press trips over the course of the year that were attended by a strategic mix of business, financial, lifestyle and travel media:

Trip One

Toronto and Montreal journalists visited Istanbul, Turkey and flew from Istanbul to Dubrovnik, Croatia to celebrate Turkish Airlines’ first ever flight to the destination.

Trip Two

Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa journalists visited Istanbul and Cappadocia, Turkey

These 2 press trips combined with a targeted PR plan, strong relationships with travel and business media, massive corporate sponsorship projects with both the Ottawa Senators Hockey Team and the International Festival de Jazz de Montreal resulted in Turkish Airlines Canada receiving the highest amount of positive media impressions in one year than all years combined since 2012, when the airline officially commenced flights out of Canada.

Outlets that provided positive coverage for Turkish Airlines and Turkey in 2016 as a result of Charming Media’s efforts:  

National Post

Globe and Mail

Financial Post

Canadian Traveller

Reader’s Digest Canada

Marketing Magazine

PAX International

Travel Press

Travle Courier

Montreal Gazette

Ottawa Life Magazine

Ottawa Citizen

TOTAL YEAR RESULTS: 208 articles published, circulation 417,433,637