Going organic: If Gwyneth can do it, so can we!

It seems that the healthiest and most amazing-looking celebrities are the ones who live an organic lifestyle. If you think about it simply, the word “chemicals” never sounds good to anyone but we tend to make them a part of our everyday lives. Our skin, for example, is our largest organ, it’s living and breathing and when it becomes blotchy and red- misery ensues. Doesn’t it make sense to use skincare products that are natural and free of harsh chemicals that can create imbalances? Yes.


Gratiae is a natural and organic skincare line that agrees entirely with this. They believe that there is no good in using chemicals when plants and nature have been healers for centuries.

Here are 5 real benefits of going organic with your skin:

1) You avoid the harsh chemicals that are absorbed through your skin and then travel through your body.

2) Irritants and chemicals can cause imbalances which create further complexion complications. This tricks you into thinking you need more products to treat the symptoms, when really you need to cure the problem.

3) Natural and organic products are constantly being monitored to ensure that they meet a specific standard. Let this be a safety net for you. You are always using something that is certified rather than a product that is made solely for profit. Quality is key for brands like Gratiae.

4) The more you take good care of your skin, the less you will ever need to worry about it. The days of hoping your skin behaves for that big party you’re going to on the weekend will be behind you.

5) While you may be spending a bit more on your staple products, you will save money on do-nothing treatments you were buying before and also makeup- if your skin is healthy, you won’t need to cover it up!


Our rationale is that if Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie can go organic, so can we. The only difference between us is a zip/postal code…and insurmountable wealth. But taking care of yourself is important, you are the only you you’ve got, so make sure you’re careful with her/him.

Ready to skip the skincare science experience and go organic?

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