It pays to be a Buytopian

Picture it: A sunny morning, you just took a shower and what do you smell? CAKE. Sweet, decadent, delicious cake. No, it isn’t your mom baking in the kitchen, it’s the smell of the amazing Cake products that are available on Buytopia.

Buytopia is kicking off spring with some fabulous deals to get people out of the house and enjoying their cities. There are two in particular that are making the Buytopians go crazy so we had to let you in on them.


Cake Beauty is a company that started in a kitchen, essentially, and grew to be a loved beauty brand. The products are high quality, smell delicious and won’t hurt your bank account, either. Right now, Buytopia has a deal that will satisfy that beauty product sweet tooth: For $25, you can get a $50 gift certificate to buy any of the Cake products your heart desires!


After you’re finished slathering on copious amounts of Cake, head on over to The Lobster Trap, located at 1962 Avenue Road, Toronto, to fill your belly. The Lobster Trap is an older joint but “home of the 4 pounder”! They are referring to lobsters, naturally. Buytopia’s deal for this seafood heaven? $30 for $70 worth of lobster and seafood. If that isn’t a deal, then we don’t know what is.

Once you’re smelling nice and you’re full of delicious seafood, you may feel like laying down from your exciting day. Take this time to visit and see what else they can do for you, ’cause it seriously pays to be a Buytopian.
