The MIN Collection to be showcased at Inspiring Lifestyle Expo

The MIN Collection is popping up everywhere! This Sunday, June 2, the beautiful collection will be showcased at the Inspiring Lifestyle Expo in Thornhill, ON. This event sheds light on inspired design, food, drinks, culture and entertainment-the ingredients to a perfect lifestyle!


Designer Minling Pan is sharing her excitement by giving away four pairs of tickets to the event through a retweet contest on Twitter. All you have to do? Make sure you follow @minlingstudio on Twitter and retweet her tweet about the event. Pretty simple task for a chance to win tickets to a fabulous expo and meet an up-and-coming designer, don’t you think?


The event is bound to be a great one with good food, fashion and fun all at your fingertips. We’d say it’s a pretty charming way to spend your Sunday.


Hope to see you there!