We’re Celebrating! Win a Basket of ThreeWorks Apple Ch!ps!

We are so excited for ThreeWorks Snacks and Chips and their television debut today as they go head to head with the Canada’s fiercest venture capitalists on the Season Premiere of CBC’s Dragon’s Den!

Not only will we be giving away samples and hanging with the dragons today on Bay Street (psst, you’re invited, see details here), we are also giving away a delicious basket of ThreeWorks Apple Ch!ps for those who tweet to ThreeWorks before, during or after the show!


Simply follow @ThreeWorksSnack on Twitter and tweet them good luck or live tweet during the show (8PM Eastern on CBC). You can also use the #ThreeWorksInTheDen hashtag!

Or copy and paste the following:

Good luck to @ThreeWorksSnack on @CBCDragon Den Series Premiere tonight! #ThreeWorksInTheDen!

Or get creative! We just want to see you on Twitter to support a great Canadian company on one of Canada’s top shows!

We’ll be clinging to the edge of our ThreeWorks Apple Ch!ps canisters!