What’s Up At The Toronto PATH? Win a $50 Shoppers Gift Card and More

The Toronto PATH truly is one of the city’s secret gems in that it caters to the hustle and bustle of the urban professional in a way that few other properties in the city can claim. Those who work in the PATH know that it is so much more than an underground tunnel to get from A to B. It’s a time saver, a place to pick up the things you need to get on with your life outside of work and transit.

We’ve been working with some of Toronto’s top fashion, beauty and lifestyle experts this summer to curate the best of the best from this iconic city landmark! Our experts have been showing us how to eat better, look better and live better by using all of what the Toronto PATH has to offer. Here is a summary of our favourite posts from the Urban Lifestylist Blog:

Get Your Summer Groom On! Nicki Laborie from ViewTheVibe tells us the best places in the Toronto Path to get a quick grooming.

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Have you had more than your fair share of BBQ this summer? Sonya from AZNModern gives us great tips and tricks on how to eat healthy on the go in the PATH.

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Dani from GirlsOfTO went to the Shoppers Drug Mart for a summer makeover with one of their beauty experts! Check out her before and after here!

You can enter to win a $50 Gift Certificate to Shoppers Drug Mart to overhaul your own beauty stash on the Urban Lifestylist Facebook Page!

Continue to stay up to date with the experts and trends and follow along the Urban Lifestylist Blog, the Toronto PATH’s curation of incredible!
